Inauguration Ceremony

Inauguration Ceremony and Reception

Monday, May 1, 2023
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An inauguration ceremony is not just the investiture of a president; it is the participation by an institution in the traditions of academe. Delegates from the worldwide academic community joined MIT faculty, students, staff, alumni, and trustees in the procession. Attendees enjoyed musical performances by MIT artists as the Institute welcomed and inaugurated its 18th president.

View full list of delegates from Academic Institutions, Learned Societies, and Organizations

Order of Events


Preludes in Killian Court

Performed by MIT Ceremonial Brass
Conducted by Kenneth Amis

Presentation of the Flags

MIT Police Honor Guard

America the Beautiful
Performed by MIT Ceremonial Brass
Conducted by Kenneth Amis


Triumphal March from “Aida” by Giuseppe Verdi
Arranged by Bill Holcombe

Rigaudon by André Campra

Performed by MIT Ceremonial Brass
Conducted by Kenneth Amis

Opening of the Ceremony

Diane B. Greene SM ’78
Chair, MIT Corporation


Thea Keith-Lucas
Chaplain to the Institute

The National Anthem

The Star-Spangled Banner
Performed by Jodie-Marie Fernandes ’09
Accompanied by Mi-Eun Kim

Remarks on Behalf of the Academic Community

Valerie Sheares Ashby
President, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Musical Interlude

Chase Fire by Ricky Richardson ’12
Performed by Ricky Richardson and Friends


Diane B. Greene SM ’78
and the Presidents Emeriti
Susan Hockfield
L. Rafael Reif

Inaugural Address

Sally Kornbluth

Closing of the Ceremony

Diane B. Greene SM ’78
Chair, MIT Corporation

School Song

In Praise of MIT
Performed by The Chorallaries of MIT


Rondeau by Jean-Joseph Mouret
Arranged by David Thomas

Canzona Bergamasca by Samuel Scheidt
Arranged by De Jong

Performed by MIT Ceremonial Brass
Conducted by Kenneth Amis
